(Video courtesy: Google ads)

The above video depicts Responsive Text Ads(RSA) as an advanced version of an Expanded Text Ads powered by AI. As of today 5/Sep/21, Expanded Text Ads are slowly getting discontinued by Google.

This question is frequently asked in the Google Ads Certification program. We choose the answer "Google Ads mixes and matches headlines and description lines that have been provided."

Responsive Text Ads(RSA) can be broadly explained as an AI-powered Dynamic keyword Insertion(DKI) Technique. As we are living in a data-driven world, Google Ads gathers additional information about our text ads anywhere up to 15 headlines and 4 descriptions. So Google's AI can frequently shuffle and choose the best Ad copy, as per the user's search behavior. But make a note that they can appear in any order or combination. Also, make sure that headlines and descriptions make sense in all combinations.

I think writing the selling point might be a difficult task for Google's AI. If you think our ideas match, we still have options to command Google only display pinned text as heading and description.

After pinning the headlines they become constant. So we can still have control over our selling points. If you have any feedback or suggestion. Please connect me on my new Space.

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