There is no shortcut to rank top position on Google or any well-known search engine. The optimization results are only available after 15 to 30 days. So any fine-tuning might take a longer time to execute.

I find the below suggested method easy for me. Let me know in the comments if it was easy for you.

  • Find your keyword (Search intent of your website or long-tail, the well-defined purpose of your website) in the SEO tools like Moz, Ubbersuggest, Semrush, or other similar tools.
  • Type your finding in the search option of any tools. You should find the keyword difficulty column.
  • Find the keyword with little difficulty.
  • Focus on writing or giving value to that keyword on your website.
  • Share the link of the website on other platforms like Quora, Reddit, other social sites with added value. You will attract traffic not just from SEO also from other high DA(Domain Authority) sites.

But if you think you need it even more easily and instantly. I suggest you choose an ads platform that may be from Google, FB, or other high-ranking sites.

I request you to brief your issue even more. I am willing to provide my best 🤝