I think Google had the worst experience with weight loss products in the past. So Google crafted a policy guideline for weight loss products.

As per the policy. You must mention a money-back guarantee and a Visible disclaimer stating that “There will be no guarantee for the product”. This should be displayed on your Ad headline text. Maybe on the third Ad headline and pin it (RSA).


  • This is not possible to show your disclaimer on your Ad text.
  • Even if you are confident with the Google policies. There are high chances of getting suspended. Once an ad account is suspended you cannot create another ad account in the future.

Though I don’t have experience working for a supplement campaign. I argue from my similar experience. If you still prefer to go with Google ads. I suggest you find a Google ads advisor who has an internal account manager within Google. In case of any unfortunate situation. The Google account manager can resolve your issue.

Apart from this, If you think you need any other clarification. Please comment on this page or reach me. I am more than happy to assist you