Natural tips to recover from hangover
Hangover Home Remedies 

Are you scolding yourself for last night being a Nasty Monkey? Well, you are not alone. 

By the time you woke up. It is a banging headache, nausea, parched mouth, and fatigue. Probably, you are undergoing a Hangover.

At times we drink a lot now and again, and it's nothing to truly regret. However I can't assist you erase memories of your unforgettable tippling late nights, though I can help you recover from a headache and nausea rapidly.

I can hear you yelling at me (No more stories). I will quickly let you know what your body needs to restore after a hangover. 

  • Rehydration
  • Some Carbs
  • Vitamin C
  • Adequate sleep

  • I am skipping most of my explanations because I feel the pain while you are reading more of this article.😇👅

    (If you are not in the mood for reading and need some quick home remedies. Click here)

    Rehydration for Hangover Remedy
    Rehydration for Hangover Remedy


    A big jar of water is probably the perfect hangover solution. Alcohol dehydrates you with the aid of increasing the quantity of urine your kidneys make. You furthermore may lose fluid when you sweat, vomit, or have diarrhea after a night time of bingeing. Dehydration can causes symptoms like a dry mouth and headache.

    After a night of party making, practice drinking water before you go to sleep (try to be conscious). It reduces the effects of boozy mornings. Also, you need to drink water while you wake up. It will help you remain hydrated. Additionally, drink any electrolyte like Lucozade or Gatorade.

    No Coffee or carbonated drinks

    Carbonated drinks accelerate the absorption of alcohol into your blood vessels. Also, drinking coffee may make contributions to dehydration. So simply avoid both even if you feel craving for it.

    Some Carbs

    Mild Carbs Home Remedies
    Mild Carbs Hangover Remedies

    Carbs act as fuel for reactivating your brain cells. Carbs instigate your blood sugar levels immediately. So you become brisk. Suggest you intake a healthy breakfast like poached eggs with roasted tomatoes, and if you still feel hungry. Eat a couple of slices of wheat toast. The idea is to avoid eating heavily. Technically egg has the amino acid cysteine, which will help to ditch residues of alcohol and quickly break down into carbs with little effort of your stomach. 

    Vitamin C

    Suggest drinking ginger-lemon tea. If you feel lemon is too acidic, try Meyer lemons. They are a little acidic than a regular lemon. 

    Lemon and Ginger Juice for Quick Hangover Remedy
    Lemon and Ginger Juice for Quick Hangover Remedy

    Steps for preparing Ginger Lemon tea.

    1. Boil water
    2. Grate ginger and slice lemon
    3. Mix lemon slices and honey. Later empty it into the teapot. Then steep it.
    4. After straining the solids. Serve the hot tea into a teacup.


    Adequate sleep

    Rest is the best medicine for getting you out of a hangover. Alcohol will disrupt sleeping. Wake up and drink ginger-lemon tea or water. Try to sleep for 4-5 hours without getting disturbed. When you wake up, you will feel better.💪😍

    Hangover home remedies (Rest)
    Rest your Body