Google Ads commercial and google connecting customers and business

(Google Ads Commercial India)

Google and its partners are one of the most top search engines in the world. I recollect one of my clients saying a stereotype explanation for Google.

Internet is Google and Google is the only internet today

I additionally quote one of the popular Google's adage.

We know you better than you

The answer might be egotistical, 👊👊👊but you can’t regret it. In the event that you own a cell phone controlled by Android OS, Google realizes you better than any other. It can also predict from your browser history, Cache and Cookies. Google can trace your gender, color, language, interests, and more attributes. Most importantly, your purchase behavior. Later categorizes all collected information to its database.

Anyway, what does it mean for business with Google?😣

When Google can understand your interests and behavior, Why can't it sell you for business? We have seen histories that the middle man makes most of the profits. Presently google changed from a regular search engine to a middle man.😈

Google has at this point set up a strong system that can coordinate basically every industry on the world. When you place advertisement (It is called sponsored in Google's language), you can leverage all of their connectivity to track down your desperate buyers.

Google has recently launched its commercial advertisement, which is just as I said.

(Commercial on Youtube)

Google Ads Commercial about anticipating pregnant women for Mango Pickle

(Google ads Commercial about anticipating pregnant women for Mango Pickle )

In my language, I see all its products as another bait. Let me call their names.

  • Search history and cookies of Google and Youtube.
  • Google map to track you.
  • Youtube to #shorts for observing your interest.
  • E-books to get ever closer with you.
  • Recommends low-cost flights to spy on you.

The list goes on as to how much you depend upon it. Yes, it is pinching our nerves. But the fact is you cannot neglect any of these services of google. Moreover, the majority of these services are free. (Is it really?)👾

Coming back to a business perspective, Today Google is harvesting from its investments and saving funds for its future Hooks👀😕. As a businessman, you can leverage these channels to choose the right audience. It can significantly boost your business.

Further, if you hire the right Ads agent for your business, the agent can optimize your ads and reduce your burden. Notably, the agent can help you advertise out of Google's trap.👊(Google has multiple options and some hidden selections which can confuse new advertisers) 

If you have any more inquires. Please reach me on my Telegram

Thanks for reading! 🙏🙏🙏